Woman Gone Wild

The divine feminine aka Goddess, perhaps you’ve met her or caught a glimpse at some point? Divinity and grace holds her in great honour, protecting her from shadows peaking in the corner, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. But she is untouchable, she glows like the sun, giving life and great joy to everything she passes. The flowers and each blade of grass bows in her path, the animals anxious for her attention. Beauty is the very essence of her being that shines effortlessly from every piece of her. A majesty that can only exist in a far off paradise, or possibly a dream?! Yet here they come, the sleeping beauties of eternity’s dream, landing on our shores in waves. Nothing will ever be the same…

A woman gone wild isn’t a bad thing, in fact it’s the complete opposite. Aside from common thinking, it’s her very nature to be free, unbound, but yet keeping all of the universe together. She is the keystone to life itself. This type of woman exists today however her sacred heart has been locked away deep inside her being, awaiting the perfect return! It’s a metamorphosis of sorts, a shedding of old skins. Ancient heavy veils hiding her true beauty due to fears of her incredible magnitude. And while she’s been sleeping for so many centuries, she’s almost forgotten who she really is. Acting out all sorts of roles, from the dark corners of hell and back. However, much knowledge has been gained in the process, complete destruction is what is possible without the return of this divine feminine beauty.

Though there are many women currently entertaining very masculine tendencies and powers alike, a hardened and superficial version of the feminine, what we’re seeing is actually a false display of joy and freedom, because they are still secretly waiting for their masculine counterpart, the true prince, to wake them from their deep slumber. Longing to safely show her true self again. To raise her offspring peacefully into a world of great love, honour and respect. Herein lies the opportunity for the divine masculine to be born yet again! A celebration of life in its perfection.

It’s no wonder many women these days are more interested in that new fabulous purse than they are in having children! Or that majority of relationships get boring or ugly all too quick. The root of our collective disturbance has been covered up like a bad cavity. Lust and seduction have led us deep into the rabbit hole, it’s been ages since we’ve seen the light!!

So don’t be threatened by these primitive, wild beauties who are just learning to be free from their shackles. Of course they might stumble and fall a few times, appearing clumsy or even foolish in their fairytale beliefs and behaviours, but never the less they are in process of fully blooming into that beautiful butterfly that will take your breath away, and fill you with new life.

After reading this, notice what came up for you; anger, sadness, elation…?

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